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About construction site hoardings

Generally, a construction site hoarding is outdoors, and as such is often designed and engineered to be suitable for the wind loading of that site-specific location – using a Marine Ply panel that is suitable for outdoor use.

A construction hoarding is required just outside that ‘works area’ to restrict public access to the site by way of a physical barrier – It is often called a perimeter hoarding and is commonly in place for extended periods of time.

Given the outdoor location and install term of such hoardings, there is a significant impact from wind pressure, and this must be considered to ensure the hoarding is compliant for its site-specific location.

There are 3 x main approaches for erecting a construction hoarding (No single solution suits every project):

  • Ground penetrating posts – Ground penetrating posts mitigate site-specific wind pressures easily, but are time consuming to install and require surface make-good on removal
  • Large format counterweights (generally concrete – generally 400-750Kg each) – very heavy to transport / difficult to adjust mid-project
  • Small format counterweights – The Lomax Counterweights are 18Kg each. This offers a good solution but requires a large quantity of units to be compliant.

However, in locations where access is difficult and / or ground penetration is not possible (expensive paving / council areas / heritage sites etc) then this is the best solution. In addition, the hoarding is easily modified mid-project.

Given the location of such hoardings are usually in ‘high pedestrian traffic areas’ then adherence to the required Australian Standard (AS4687) and its critical understand the potential of any additional wind pressure on the hoarding.

Multiple freestanding outdoor hoarding configurations to 4mH or wind speed capability of 34m/s (122.4Kph) – Built in a few easy steps

Example Illustration: 3.6mH outdoor hoarding rated to a wind speed of 15m/s (54Kph) – Just ‘7+7’ x Lomax weights + 1 x Lomax ‘Double Stack’ Support Post every 1.2mW panel join interval

Compliance for construction site hoardings

Australian Standard AS4687 provides the technical, safety and minimum structural guidelines that all hoardings must adhere to.

This technical guide ensures that an indoor hoarding is capable of withstanding a physical ‘impact’ to both the front and the rear of the hoarding of a certain force so as to simulate an equivalent occurrence / accident during any general construction works.

AS4687 also offers guidance as to the minimum wind-speed capability that the hoarding must be able to withstand in its site-specific location. The wind pressure is greater than that of the indoor impact test and so this needs to be considered for outdoor compliance.

All outdoor hoardings must be erected in accordance to AS4687 and a structural engineer should issue certification to confirm that the installation has been completed in a compliant manner.

Since it is commonplace for the ceilings in outdoor areas to be either decorative or even non-existent – so even if a ceiling does exist, it is often impossible to brace or attach to these areas and maintain a level of structural integrity that is compliant with AS4687 – especially when considering the additional wind load of the site specific location.

The Lomax hoarding system is counterweighted at the rear of the panels and is completely free-standing (so requires no bracing to be compliant) – This approach makes the Lomax hoarding system the ideal solution to ensure that compliance to AS4687 is achieved in every installation again and again!

We have completed the AS4687 code-compliant testing and calculation for all our configurations to be able to free-stand outdoors up to 4mH and for various wind speeds up to 34m/s (122.4Kph).

This compliance to AS4687 is supported by all the required certification issued by an independent, external structural engineer.

The Lomax system is designed, tested and manufactured to exceed AS-4687 requirements.

Why use the Lomax System for construction hoarding?

  • Designed and engineered for compliance to AS4687 – All configurations are certified by an external, independent structural engineer
  • Outdoor Wind Rated – Due to the clever design of our inter-locking weights, the system offers a wide range of outdoor (wind rated) configurations – Options range in heights up to 4mH and wind-speed capabilities up to 34m/s (122.4Kph) with no ground penetrations needed
  • Narrow Footprint – For many outdoor hoarding configurations we have an extremely narrow footprint of only 46cm. If a double stack of weights is required, our ‘double stack support post’ can be used for enhanced stability and the footprint is only 92cm
  • Free-Standing – An outdoor hoarding can free-stand up to 4m and is a completely self-supporting system – no bracing required – no property damaged caused.
  • It’s Safe and Secure – For maximum safety and our peace of mind, our clever design ensures weights cannot be detached from the hoarding panels whilst the hoarding is still standing
  • Supports Cross Beams – A critical cosmetic feature to ensure the hoarding doesn’t move or snake around post-install – The hoarding stays straight.
  • Offers a Support Post – A Steel Support Post extends upwards from the counterweights to increase the height of the fulcrum point of the system, reduce the quantity of weight required and ultimately offer enhanced structural stability
  • Multiple Panel Thicknesses + Type – Suitable for 12mm MDF / 16mm Particle Board / Marine Ply and many more
  • It’s Stable – The standard MPG10 90×45 (4×2) timber is logically orientated on the strong axis for extra strength and stability at greater height

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Make an Enquiry

Buy or hire the ‘Lomax System Components’ so you can add your own panels/timbers and self-install your solution OR have the Lomax System teams or certified stockists supply everything and install/remove it for you.